"Does he like me?" |
Does he like me? The question that haunts every girl and women's thought when they first meet that one guy that seems perfect. What better way to know then to ask a guy what are some of the signs to look for when you want to know if he is interested.
Now if you haven't realized this by now I am a guy. And I have had my fair of crushes and through the years I have notice some of the things that I and some of my friends do when we liked a girl. Realize that everyone is different but these are some general things that most, it not all, men do.
When a guy is interested he will make time for you. That's is right no matter what if he is working or in school he will find a way to put you in his day. It could be by a simply texting you or even set up a date. Now some guys may not text first because they may be nervous that you won't reply or just to see if you miss him.
Does he make physical contact with you? Now this is easy to notice because you will feel it, of course. Now when a guy likes you he will try to make physical contact, now it doesn't mean that he will grave your behind or something smutty. It could be something as simple as touching your hand or leg when he talks not a grab but a pat. Any kind of contact that you don't pull away is considered a success.
Does he try to be funny? Well this is a big clue to if he likes you. No guy tries to be funny for someone they don't like. He will try to impress you with joke that may not be funny. Anything to get a laugh out of you because that shows as that you like us and are willing to laugh at our jokes even when they are not funny.
This a no brainier? Does he compliment you. Compliment is the best way to know if he likes you, but make sure its not thing like your breast or behind. If a guy likes you will be creative find things that or beyond the obvious, like your eyes, your hair or you lips. He will never call you sexy or hot. He will call you words like beautiful and cute.
Now here are something to note some guys are shy, so they may not text you first. They may not want to text only for you not to reply. Some may just want to see if you are interested to. Most guys are told to play it cool so they may not want to come off as needy or desperate so they will wait a day or at most three to contact you. It's all depends on the guy. Now if you really like the guy and he isn't stepping up, and you really like him. Take charge, text him first, make physical contact first. It will let him know that you are interested and it will be easier for him to make a move.
If you don't want to waist your time with all this mumbo-jumbo the best and most cheer way to know if a guy likes you... now pause and get ready for this. The best way to know if a guy likes you is to ask him. I know, mind blown. Just ask and you will find out most guy will be a little put back by it but in the end they will answer you with honesty if they do. So if you are the gambling type take a chance, who knows you may hit the jackpot.
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