Friday, July 25, 2014

Should I Tell Him/Her I Don't Like Them

There comes a time when we just don't feel the same for the person we once use to love. Were we have to ask our self do we tell them how we feel or hide it from them? Should I tell him/her how I am feeling?

Does He Like Me?

"Does he like me?"

Does he like me? The question that haunts every girl and women's thought when they first meet that one guy that seems perfect. What better way to know then to ask a guy what are some of the signs to look for when you want to know if he is interested.

Mean Girls

Mean Girls film

Every one at least once in there life have experience another girl or girls who don't like you from the moment you meat them. They roll their eyes when you speak. They ignore you when you speak and even go as far a purposely mocking what you say or wear. Why is that? Why do these complete strangers not like you? Is it you? What can you do to deal with it?

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Bus Stop Romance

Here is the scenario, you are waiting for you bus when suddenly the most beautiful girl you have ever seen appear. She comes closer and closer and to your luck she sit in the other edge of the bus bench. What do you do?