Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Bus Stop Romance

Here is the scenario, you are waiting for you bus when suddenly the most beautiful girl you have ever seen appear. She comes closer and closer and to your luck she sit in the other edge of the bus bench. What do you do?

Think about it this way. The bus stop is a great place to meet people but you have to read the signs when someone in the bus stop is open for conversation or just want to go to there destination without being bothered. Now there are many ways to check if someone want to talk. You just have to know what to look for. Do they have the big head phones or do they have one earphone on with the other one hanging lose. In these to it is obvious that the person with the headphones doesn't want to be bothered, the one earphone seems to be open to conversation. Now in your head you will play out many scenarios, but it's more likely that none of them will happen. So the best move is to make one. Start with a simple "Hello." Here is another place you have to see if they are interested.. Did they smile and say hello or did the face that yells "Oh no again" appear, you will know it when you see it.

After hello, a simple "My name is (fill in the blank), nice to meet you." If they reply try to keep the conversation going by asking small things like "So, where are you going." but don't be a creep about it ask but don't interrogate. There is a difference. Now tell them about you where you are going what you do. Let them know that you are easy to talk to. Try to make them laugh. Jokes will make them feel like you are a interesting person who is easy to talk to. This will allow them to feel comfortable and in turn want to know more about you. If you feel they are interested and your time is cut short ask them. "I was hoping I can see you again." And if they say yes you switch contacts.

Don't ask to many question because then you sound like you are in a interview. Try no to come off as someone who does this all the time, don't want them to think they are just a number. Be modest about everything don't come off as a jerk by boasting about your self, it's in bad taste. And the MOST important rule and easy one to remember, don't be a creep. Nothing turns people off more than a creep talking to them. Just be your self and if it works out good for you but if it doesn't never forget there is always another bus coming. Good Luck.

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